Making the Switch

As many of you know, Google Reader will be disapearing come the 1st of July. Although GFC followers will still be shown, it's really pointless because there will be no way to keep up with them if Google Reader is gone. For this reason, I have decided to switch everything over to Bloglovin. I will be removing GFC from my blog come Sunday June 23. I want to give my faithful readers a few days to follow me via Bloglovin before I take GFC away.

I've already imported all the blogs I follow via GFC to Bloglovin, I've included directions from Sidney's blog below.

How do I import the blogs I follow on GFC to Bloglovin?
After you have signed up to BLOGLOVIN using your email address you need to do the following:
  2. Click on ‘Google Reader’, then ‘Import from Google Reader’ 
  3. Allow Bloglovin access and it will do the rest for you! 


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